Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Save the Internet!!!

I'm totally a fan of Net Neutrality. The whole idea of having to pay for (faster or simply any) access to specific portions of the internet is ridiculous. Can you imagine the repurcussions? I mean, yes, I get the Jimmy and his grandmother argument that Mark Cuban (?) used. Namely, Jimmy's need to download a movie isn't as important as the hospital's need to download his grandmother's medical records. Okay. Sure. BUT how do we ensure that if these laws are passed, companies like AT&T, Verizon, ComCast, etc. won't find squirrely ways to screw us? We already know that Verizon practiced censorship of text messages when they kept pro-choice groups from sending text messages to their supporters on the Verizon network. No, I'm not kidding. Here's the story.

How are small businesses supposed to compete with big businesses if they can only afford so-called "slow lane" access? Who the heck is going to sit around and wait and wait and wait for a small business' page to load if they can zip over to a larger company's website that loads super quick?

Blogs are an amazing equalizer in the media field. How are small bloggers going to compete with huge media outfits like CNN and Fox and the BBC if we have to pay for access to users, video and audio sharing, etc?

I could go on, but you get the idea. If you're interested, visit Save The Internet.

That's my do-good for the week. Tomorrow a weight update and the C25K program.

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