Thursday, May 15, 2008


Oh, man! I so heart David Bowie!!!

As for my changes, well, first things first. I'm only down a pound this week--but I've dropped another pants size. Wtf? Weird, right? So far the concensus is that I'm building muscle mass (hence the small weight drop) and slimming down. Inches wise, that's definitely what's happening. Still, it's so effing frustrating to step on that scale and only see one pound down! UGH!

Oh, and I was venting my anger at the scale to Dave. His gem of a reply? "The scale at work says I'm ten pounds heavier than the scale here."

OMG! I almost died. I do not want to believe that I actually weigh ten pounds more than I do right now. Yes. Yes. I know that I've still lost the same amount of weight, but I seriously cannot deal with the numbers involved if they're ten pounds higher. I told Ash about this. Her reply? "Yeah, well, you know how those medics are. They all dress like freakin' Batman. Cuz, they're really going to need to rapell off the side of a building or something."

So true. So sadly true. I choose to believe Ash about Dave's sudden ten pound weight gain when he arrives at work.

Other changes. So I'm thinking of going back to school and finishing my degree. OK. I'm not thinking. I'm going to do it. I started looking through my options earlier this evening. Originally, I'd planned to go back and switch to a language major like German or Russian or both, but then I read through the requirements and I'd have to spend a semester abroad. I'm just not willing to do that right now. It's sort of impossible. How the hell am I supposed to complete fertility treatments in another country? And, no, please don't tell me to put off the baby thing until after I've finished my degree. It's not a possibility. We're racing against the clock.

I guess the most obvious major would be English, but I can't imagine sitting through creative writing courses here. I like horticulture and I have a few hort classes under my belt. (I took them as electives when I was a BICH major.) I'm also interested in public health policy and women's studies. So who knows? Maybe I'll do horticulture with a minor in a foreign language or community health with a minor in women's studies. I have a little time to decide. We'll see.

OK. Enough messing around. I really need to get back to work. I have edits due tomorrow, and I've barely made a dent. Yikes!

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