Friday, April 17, 2009

Susan Boyle

*Fixed Link*

Isn't Susan Boyle just fabulous? Seriously, I cried like a little girl when watching her perform. I felt so bad for her when the crowd was so rude as she talked to the judges at the beginning of her audition. When she opened her mouth and all that brilliance flowed forth, I felt like jumping up and down and screaming, "Vindication!"

Isn't it sad how so many of us view women of a certain age or women without cover model looks as inferior or deserving of our derision? I think I relate to Susan Boyle so much because I was Susan Boyle. As a teenager I was very involved in choir and musical theater. I won all sorts of competitions and more--but I never received the lead in a musical.

Well, there was that one time I was a lead character---but I had to dress up like a man in a fat suit and alter my natural soprano to fit the part. Thank goodness my voice is versatile! I'll never forget being called back in after the audition and told I was the natural choice for the female lead but I just didn't look the part.

After that production, I never auditioned again. I accepted that a slightly chubby girl with some of the unfortunate side effects of PCOS wasn't cut out for the world of musical theater and focused all of my attention on my real passion: writing. Maybe that embarassing experience was a blessing in disguise. After all, I'm getting paid to do what I love now!

So huge-o kudos to you, Susan Boyle, for never letting the bastards get you down!!!

1 comment:

nick said...

Here's why I think we love Susan Boyle.