Sunday, August 03, 2008

Kiss of Death

So I just escaped a near death experience by about 15 seconds. No, really. I just stopped shaking enough to blog.

Since it's a nice cloudy and cool day, I decided I'd go for my run an hour earlier than usual. I was trying to get out the front door but Bosley wouldn't stop tugging on my shirt and snapping at my shoelaces. I had the door open and was backing out onto the front porch when suddenly I hear this WHACK! BOOM! and squealing tires. I turn around, and holy shit, some young girl driving an SUV had slammed into another parked SUV right in front of our house. She didn't hit the breaks until AFTER she'd already hit the car. She hit it hard enough to shove it seven or eight, maybe even ten feet (I'm not spatially blessed) from the street, over a curb and sidewalk and onto our neighbor's yard. There's a chunk of bumper lying in our front yard along with random bits of glass and plastic and god knows what else.

Uh, yeah, so if Bosley hadn't been snapping at my shoelaces, I would have been right there on the sidewalk when that girl hit the other car. I don't think I'll run today. I think the universe is trying to tell me something. And, of course, Bosley is losing his shit because there are cops and angry car owners and tow trucks crowding the street. Leaving him alone when he's this agitated means I'll come home to a ripped up living room.

Yep. Off night. Definitely.


I went running after all. After I gave my statement to the State Trooper, I decided to escape the daggers of death from the woman who caused the accident by running. Far. Away.

Apparently, telling the trooper that I saw her fumbling with her cell phone as her car rolled to a stop makes me evil. The way our house is positioned--higher than the street--made it easy for me to see inside her untinted, wide windows. She was totally in the middle of a text, with the phone balanced against the wheel, her thumb over the buttons. The trooper asked if she was, in fact, texting and after much arguing (the lady doth protest too much!), she grudgingly admitted she might, MIGHT, have been distracte by her cell.

So yeah. I totally expect to have our house egged tonight. Oy veh. So much for telling the truth, huh?

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