Thursday, August 28, 2008

Query Hell

So the dark urban fantasy novel is polished and the queries/synopses/sample chapters are making the rounds. This is the hardest part of being a writer: snagging an agent. There are all these fiery hoops to jump through, but it's so worth it. So far things look good. My first query received a request for a partial in 12 minutes. Not bad. Now it's a waiting game.

Still running and working out. I ran 1.4 miles in 25 minutes today. That's not great but it's not bad either...especially for someone as chubby as me. Hell, when I started this a few weeks ago, I couldn't even run to the end of the sidewalk and back without dying. The C25K program ends at 30 minutes but I'm just going to keep adding 5 minutes a week until I'm jogging 60 minutes. Surprisingly, I'm not having a hard time building endurance. I think it's because I'm dropping weight so my stubby little legs don't have to carry as much weight...

All right. I've got to go wash some grapes and fix a glass of tea before Obama makes his speech. History in the making, folks!!!

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