Sunday, March 02, 2008

Sven Says Sweat!!!

Today is the kickoff of the 70 Days of Sweat Challenge!!!! If you're curious, I blogged about this a few post ago so scroll down. Basically between March 1 and March 16 (really 77 days, but there are 7 off days built into the challenge) you challenge yourself to write 850-1500 words per day. The ultimate goal is to finish a novel during the challenge.

I have two goals. The most important is to write 1500 words per day. I don't care how those 1500 words are allocated. I just need to get them done because I've got projects lined up, and I'm running up against deadlines (internal and external.) My second goal is to finish my YA novel.

I will freely admit that I don't do well when told that I have to create x number of words in y amount of time. Between 1445 and 2100, I wrote 47 words. Yeah. I know. I had a holy poo moment too. Finally I switched on some Explosions in the Sky, closed all my browser windows, poured some ice tea, ate a handful of dried cranberries and forced myself to stop dicking around. Between 2100 and 1200, I wrote 2849 words. Woo-hoo!!!

I think I've earned a Perez Hilton break...

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