Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Unrequited Love

So Nyx has discovered Bosley. I mean, she's always been aware of him but in the last few weeks, she's become hyper-aware. She watches him so intently. Every yawn, lick, scratch and stretch. It's almost like Jane Goodall studying her chimpanzees.

Last week Bosley sneezed and Nyx laughed so hard her entire body was jiggling. You know that totally adorable baby squeal? Yeah. Just like that. Every time he would sneeze or scratch at his face, she just lost it. I almost died. I couldn't stop laughing. It was seriously one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Ever since then, anything Bosley related just gives this kid the giggles. She is so in love with this big blubbery baby of a dog. Any time he gets close, she smiles at him and reaches for him. Bosley knows he isn't supposed to get too close to her so he doesn't answer her summons. He just kind of stares at her with that droopy Great Dane look of his.

Nyx, in baby speak: I love you, Bosley. Let me play with your droopy lips!
Bosley, with a huge sigh: You're still here?

Nyx = totally gaga
Bosley = totally bored

Talk about unrequited love...

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