Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Today was one of those days where I wished I'd taken up yoga or some kind of meditative exercises years ago. A little relaxed breathing and "om" would have gone a long way this morning.

Nyx was due her February dose of Synagis today. Did she get it? No. See United decided to wait until last Friday to tell us it's not covered even though they've had the paperwork since the second or third of January. I spent an hour on the phone Friday trying to get an appeal and four-and-a-half hours on the phone this morning trying to sort out this mess.

Scott & White has a contract with one specialty pharmacy to fulfill these kinds of orders but our insurance company will only let us order through CVS/Caremark. You can imagine the price difference. Caremark wanted $2700 for the dose but on Friday I'd been quoted $1100 by an insurance rep. Two phone calls and three resubmissions of the claim and we finally got them down to $1238. For 1 mg of medicine.

But it's on the way and I won't have to fight with them again over Synagis until October. I suppose that's the silver lining.

Oh, and yesterday Walgreens did it AGAIN! At least Dave had to deal with it this time...

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