Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Watched Pot Never Boils

I thought that while I'm waiting for my pasta water to boil, I would update the blog.

I finally fell asleep around 1000 and woke up up a little before 1700. Ugh. Gross. I was sleeping almost normally for a week or two, but these past few nights, it's been the same story. Awake for eighteen to twenty hours and then asleep for 4-7. I hate it b/c I'm on a completely different schedule than Dave, my family, and friends. It's insane! I've always been this way, though. A real night owl. Maybe it's because I was born at night? I was awake most of that first night of my life and slept for the entirety of the day. Who knows? Maybe that had some affect on my Circadian rhythm??? Any ideas???

While I was awake last night, I picked out the paper to make my wedding invitations. Yeah, I know, it's a lot of work, but I'm up for it. I'm crafty like that. You know, in that whole neurotic-Martha-Stewart-over-achiever-way. When I first started envisioning my wedding, I was thinking bright colors: hot pink, tangerine orange, lime green, lemon yellow, aqua blue. Unfortunately, the Kyle House is just way too Victorian and elegant for that color scheme. Instead, I'm going with pinks and whites and lavenders for the reception inside and the outdoor ceremony at the gazebo will be in bright summer colors.

I haven't checked the mail today. I need to do that later. 'Course that means I have to put on some kind of pants.... Skipping 'round the house in skivvies and a t-shirt is OK, but not so great for a trip to the mailbox. I think I've finished polishing Sangre, and I'm going to send it back to I.K., the agent who seems most interested and enthusiastic about the manuscript. Hopefully she'll like the revamped manuscript. At any rate, it's really nerve-wracking to have to sit here and wait for some stranger to tell me whether or not my lifetime dream of becoming a novelist is ever going to become a reality. I have to admit that I'm optimistic that it's going to happen. I mean, I've had three different agents request this manuscript so that means that my query letter was well written and catchy and my story has some marketable potential.

Let's see. What else is going on in my life? Oh! Yeah! Sara is back!!! Yay!!!!! I talked to her earlier and she sounds good. Her voice seems a bit hoarse, but hopefully those crazy Kazakh painkillers will do the trick, lol. I'm also planning a get-together before everyone heads off in different directions. :( Not sure what I'm going to cook, though. Hopefully, I'll have that worked out by Friday......

OK. Well. The water is boiling. Time for me to sign off.....

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