Thursday, June 26, 2008

C25K Countdown

So I made a decision regarding the Couch to 5K program. I'd originally planned to start once I dropped 30 pounds. I'm down 24 pounds right now, and well, I just can't wait. I feel caged. I need to get out and move!

Tomorrow I'm picking up a pair of shoes, a watch, and an MP3 player of some kind. I plan to start running on Sunday morning. My new workout schedule will be:

Sunday: C25K
Monday: Cardio/Strength Training for 60-90
Tuesday: C25K
Wednesday: Cardio/Strength Training
Thursday: C25K
Friday: Off/Maybe C/S
Saturday: Off

Hopefully this will provide the change I need. Also, I'm curious to see how the scale will change...

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