Wednesday, March 11, 2009


1) My new cardiologist rocks! My old cardiologist was a supremo jackass. Seriously, when I told Dr. L (new guy) my old guy at The Med was a jackass, he said, "Yeah. I know that guy." He even smirked a little.

Anywho. Heart is good. Mitral valve is more wobbly than prolapsed. Murmur is the same. If my PVC episodes increase, I go back for one of those 24 hour or 2 week monitors. If not, I'm good.

2) OB appointment went well. Dr. A couldn't find Zaphod's heartbeat with the doppler but you could hear my heartbeat through the placenta. I thought Dave was going to blow a pupil there for a sec. I probably should have warned him beforehand that it's totally normal not to be able to hear the baby's heartbeat with the doppler in early pregnancy.

Dr. A wheeled in a portable ultrasound just to be sure though. Zaphod is perfectly fine. Still incredibly active too. The only small problem is that my placenta is really low and right over the baby. Dr. A thinks the placenta issue will resolve itself so I'm not worried.

3) Mr. Rogers would not approve of our neighbors. He'd tie them to Trolley and evict their asses straight outta Make-Believe. First of all, our next door neighbor decided to build a pergola. Okay. Fine. Whatever. Build your pergola...just not at 6:45 in the friggin' morning! He seems to work a weird graveyard shift so when he gets home, he saunters right out into his back yard and starts sawing and hammering. It's open window weather so the noise is particularly deafening. It took every ounce of my willpower not to pull out the chicken bones and wax on this one.

Secondly, some random lady from down the street showed up on our doorstep at a few minutes past 7 a.m. frantically ringing our doorbell. This was a morning when Bob the Builder was fast asleep too. Bosley ran downstairs to sound the intruder alert. Dave pulled on a robe and hustled down after the dog.

Why was this woman ringing our doorbell so early you ask? Her backyard was flooding. Yes. Her backyard--four or five houses down--was flooding. What does that have to do with us? I still don't know. Oh, and thirty minutes after she left, guess who decided to pick up the saw? Yeah. So much for us getting any sleep. (This was the morning after Dave had worked one of those whacky noon to midnight shifts so by the time he got home it was after two in the morning. He needed his sleep.)

4) I've lost two more pounds. I'm sort of wigged out about it since it seems weird to lose weight while pregnant. I got this amazing new pregnancy fitness DVD with 60 minute workouts mixing pilates, cardio, toning, and yoga with a partner component too. I have a feeling I'll lose more weight once I start doing the workout 3 or 4 times a week. Dr. A doesn't seem at all concerned. As long as I'm not losing weight because of vomiting and malnutrition, I'm good.

5) Baby registries. Dave and I had time to kill between my OB appointment and my echocardiogram and cardiologist appointment so we waltzed into Target and did a little registering. We were looking at a baby swing and, well, here's what tranpsired to cause Grandma in the diaper aisle to give us the stink eye.

Me: Hmmm. Says it has six speeds.
Dave: Is one of them ludicrous?
Me, after much guffawing: Sweet zombie Moses!
Dave: I try...

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